A home is one of the biggest investments you will make in your lifetime.
When selling your home it can be a confusing process with many complexities and legal issues.
Selling a home like no other transaction, involves so many people: prospective buyers, lawyers, mortgage lenders, tax assessors, surveyors, public utilities, and sometimes different levels of government may get into the act.
That’s why it’s important to enlist the services of someone with the knowledge & experience who can help guide you through your next sale and or purchase.
Seller’s Choice Stockdale Realty Ltd has that knowledge and experience.
At Seller’s Choice Stockdale Realty, all of our Brokers & Sales Representatives have successfully completed all the required education to become LICENSED REALTORS and adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and Rules & Regulations set out in the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act 2002 (REBBA) and our agents are always working in the best interest of our clients…YOU!
Enlisting the services of Seller’s Choice Stockdale Realty Ltd. (Brokerage) qualifies you to choose one of our exclusive Programs (Below) that will suit your needs the best and in the process allow you the opportunity to save* thousands of dollars.
You can also benefit from our proven Plan of Action & Marketing Strategies that we have developed using our 45+ years experience that have helped over a thousand others like you successfully sell their homes.
(These exclusive programs have been developed and designed by Seller’s choice Stockdale Realty and are offered ONLY to Seller’s Choice Stockdale Realty Clients.
If your property is currently listed with another licensed Real Estate Brokerage, please disregard any of our offers or programs. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other licensed Real Estate Brokerages…We cooperate and work with them fully, however, if you have purchased or are considering purchasing an expensive private for sale kit from a company that is not licensed to sell Real Estate in Ontario, we encourage and invite you to contact us.)
Our Goal is 100% Client & Customer Satisfaction!
Seller’s Choice Program I
For the diligent consumer that desires participation in the marketing of their property with the potential for maximum savings*.
The Exclusive Private Sale Listing …Only 1%
(No more need to consider selling yourself)
Seller’s Choice Program II
For the consumer with a little extra time and desiring large savings* with us performing all the marketing and Services normally required by a licensed Real Estate Brokerage.
Our Full Service Exclusive Listing…Only 3%
(Yes … You do have a Choice!)
Seller’s Choice Program III – OUR MOST POPULAR!
For the consumer wanting their home sold for the highest market value, as quick as possible, with the least of inconvenience and desiring big savings. We perform all the marketing and Services normally required, and in most cases, can only be provided and performed by a licensed Real Estate Brokerage.
Our Full Service & MLS Listing…only 4%
(Why pay more?)
Seller’s Choice Program IV
For the consumer with a unique situation or property and not quite convinced that programs I, II or III, are best suited for them.
The Traditional with a TWIST and comes with our 90 day Guarantee Plan Make the Smart Choice!